Invention, innovation, resource management and a quest to be different, are all essential and needful in any technological setting to keep adding value and attracting investors. Thriving in the money related market for more than 2 decades now-since 1993 to be precise, INGOT Group saw a firsthand different wasteful practice throughout the years. And as technology advanced, the worldwide markets and their proficiency and efficiency advanced also, giving a favorable condition for financial investors to carry on investment. INGOT continUously takes a shot at giving all partners an ever-growing wide scope of inventive items and administration globally, in that regard, permitting it to increase adequate aptitude to connect this information to the new blockchain condition and make a comprehensive and self-serving Ecosystem.

INGOT is a blockchain-based biological system that will work under smart contracts and decentralized conventions to build up a platform for various exchange,i.e, it seeks to build up a better means to facilitate various exchange, financiers and exchange alternatives for crypto and also fiat. The platform will also take into account various crypto-money related administrations, with a view to set up an entire monetary environment that is not in any way similar to the traditional monetary frameworks.
INGOT proposed the idea of short selling in the Middle East and in North Africa (MENA), offers, and its Indices to furnish all investors with opportunities generally not accessible in local trades, consequently allowing selective differentiated hazard administrative procedures. As it has been clearly explained that INGOT is after better exchange, it is important to know that this creative thought of exchanging came after broad diligent work done by INGOT's committed group, a group where every member endeavors to discover new answers for enabling traders to upgrade their portfolios through offering unique range of investment techniques to choose from . As a reaction to the expanding request and openings in the MENA area, INGOT Group established Sigma Investments in Amman, Jordan.
INGOT proposed the idea of short selling in the Middle East and in North Africa (MENA), offers, and its Indices to furnish all investors with opportunities generally not accessible in local trades, consequently allowing selective differentiated hazard administrative procedures. As it has been clearly explained that INGOT is after better exchange, it is important to know that this creative thought of exchanging came after broad diligent work done by INGOT's committed group, a group where every member endeavors to discover new answers for enabling traders to upgrade their portfolios through offering unique range of investment techniques to choose from . As a reaction to the expanding request and openings in the MENA area, INGOT Group established Sigma Investments in Amman, Jordan.
Some Bottle Necks Leading To The Birth Of INGOTCOIN.
- High Fees in the Financial market; Huge fees are being deducted from investors on multiple stages, because a large number of third parties and intermediaries such as primary banks, brokerage firms and, intermediary banks are usually involved in trading and financing activities, and these can be unbearable for investors.
- There is little or no connection between Crypto and traditional markets as they are restricted from a participant trying to cross over or move their capital from one market to the other due to high transaction cost, money and time. Given the lack of connection between Crypto and traditional markets, participants are either unable to move funds between different markets in a reasonable timespan or are restricted by the costs of doing so.
- There are problems of transferring current holdings to the Crypto market in terms of liquidity, diversification, bias to price discrimination and lack of consistently available market services, and these has deemed the exponentially growing market unreliable to prospective participants and in turn limiting them from entering.
- Due to high centralized data processing structure in the financial world, a great deal of time will be lost, and this will lead to massive loss in edge and lead. And also, transferring funds in bull markets is quite hard.

INGOT Coin (IC), will create a complete solution by integrating 6 core ecosystem components and providing a one-stop-shop for the digital asset, traditional asset and currency markets to solve all the above-mentioned challenges such as upgrading traderb portfolio, thus,creating a link between the crypto market and the traditional market. The IC Ecosystem will establish 6 different components to work hand in hand under one structure, providing all community members the chance to capitalize on upcoming opportunities in all markets.
The Ecosystem’s components, as shown below, are the IC Wallet, IC Exchange, IC Brokerage, IC Digital Bank, IC Certifier and IC ICO Accelerator.
- IC Wallet - IC Wallet will be a blockchain based crypto wallet dedicated to working as a custodian for all cryptocurrencies in the Ecosystem. Participants will be able to use the wallet to send, receive, and store cryptocurrencies available in the market with ease and security.
- IC Exchange - IC Exchange will be integrated securely with the IC Wallet, IC Brokerage and IC Digital Bank through a user-friendly platform, a full fledge cryptocurrency exchange. The exchange will be listing major coins and newly issued ICOs to provide a complete diversified coin spectrum for market participants.
- IC Brokerage - IC Brokerage will create a hub of liquidity, efficient market pricing and access to all financial products, ranging from fiat currencies to international equities and from commodities (Agriculture, metals and energies) to ETFs. The IC Brokerage’s integration with the IC Exchange and the IC Wallet, further provides the investors with hundreds of options to trade in times of any market uncertainty
- IC Digitalbank - IC Digital Bank will provide 24/7 automated payment processing with high-level web-based custodial services. The IC Digital Bank will also facilitate the IC Brokerage and IC Exchange duties, along with providing day-to-day online services such as e-payments. Furthermore, clients are able to open different bank accounts ranging from current and saving, to brokerage accounts.
- IC Crypto Certifier - IC Crypto Certifier will aim to build awareness and educate all interested parties on the blockchain technology, through its up-to-date, powerful and diversified educational services. This will include a variety of certified courses on IT consulting, compliance, cryptography, regulatory and financial consulting.
- IC Ico Accelerator - IC ICO Accelerator will aim to unlock funding for all innovative projects by paving the way for creative visions and new ideas. The IC ICO Accelerator is a “one stop shop” in the sense that it will guide entrepreneurs and startups raise funds by providing them with essential services, ranging from marketing strategies, PR services, Whitepaper content creation, to legal services and blockchain technology development. Finally, IC ICO Accelerator will guide participating ICOs to list their tokens on the IC exchange on a much more reasonable price and conditions.
- The decentralized records, accommodated by the IC Bank will empower straightforwardness and transparency
- The distributed model takes into consideration the decentralization of the exchange foundation.
- The IC Bank dispenses with the requirement for charges with even the littlest of micropayments without a go-between
- The IC wallet offers the most outstanding models with respect to security which guarantees a smooth and experimental method of exchange for the fiat and cryptocurrency.
Official Ingot ICO links
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Author's Details
Bitcointalk Username; itsify
Bitcointalk Profile URL;;u=1760091
Bitcointalk Username; itsify
Bitcointalk Profile URL;;u=1760091